Monday, March 19, 2007

One melted car, one broken pair of glasses, a broken ac/heater, and a great spring break

Well where should i start?

I hope everyone had a great and safe spring break that was full of as many adventures as mine was. Let me start off by saying that i worked all week, so i did not leave bloomington. All of my adventures happened right here. First things first, everything i did was not on purpose, and everything happened by some odd chance.

First, my glasses broke. I hanging out with my friends, and i was cleaning my glasses and they broke right down the middle. Funny thing is my glasses are Flexon, so they should not break. However, this is the second pair of glasses i have broke that are Flexon. I must have a curse of breaking the unbreakable, or i am the hulk and i do not know it yet. Also, i am not hard on my glasses, i do not play football with them (as the ball). I have never used them as a baseball, and i never flex them. Well in the morning i go to get them fixed, and i find out that nowhere can do anything for me because they are Flexon's, and they have titanium in the middle and even if they tried to weld them together it would not work. So this is the beginning of my spring break.

The next part, will put anything you did during spring break to shame. My car melted. Yes that is right the driver side of my 1994 Buick Skylark is gone. It melted away in the night, and now i have beautiful ash tinted windows, and a cracked windshield because it got so hot. Luckily no one was injured and the car did not blow up, that is the good news. How did the car melt, i don't know, but it's crazy. You want a picture, well ask and you shall receive....

Well that is the inside of my car. As you can see there is really nothing left of the gauges or anything it sucks. At least i have another car, which is the best news of all.
Well just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, my AC/Heater in my house broke. It was nice and warm outside, and hotter in my house, i tried to get the AC to work, well guess what it was broke. Then it got really cold out, i needed the heat to be on, HAHAHA, guess what? Didn't work. Well just when you thought my break couldn't get any worse, it didn't. The heat was fixed, my dad fixed my glasses, they may look dumb, but i don't care, i can wait till my new glasses are ready, which should be this weekend, which is the good news, and my AC/Heater was fixed, some wires burnt up...
Well that was my great and crazy spring break, i hope everyone had a less adventurous one than i did. I know that is not hard to do, unless you were arrested, and your life is ruined, that is about the only way it could have been worse.
Now how does this go back to class? Well guess who i met this week at work? I met a technology director for a school district. I will not disclose his name, where i work, or where he works. We talked about Internet in schools, and technology in schools in general. Well how did we get on this topic, he asked me what i was studying and i told him, and it led into our discussion. We talked about how technology in schools is not being used incorrectly, and a lot of teachers do not know what they are doing. He put it a lot less harsh than i did, so don't take it so negative please. We also discussed about using the Internet in schools for sources, and in a way we agreed with each other to a certain extent. He believes that the Internet in schools does cause more problems now, than it solves. Teachers are using it to keep kids out of their hair, and they say that they are using it for educational purposes, when in reality the teacher is not checking on his/her students. He did agree to an extent that the Internet should not be allowed in schools, but he sees it as something important to people and that it is a "necessary evil". That's not a quote but I'm just inserting my ideas with his ideas there. He views it as something that schools need, even if it is misused, but he is searching for ways to stop kids from abusing their Internet privileges.
All in all it was an interesting talk, and it is hard to talk about it on a blog, because my ideas come out sometimes, and the way i make him sound is as a negative old man who is just mad at the world. He wasn't an old man, he was in fact a younger guy, and he did not speak negatively about anything. He just felt that the Internet use in schools is a way for teachers to keep kids out of trouble in their classrooms with keeping them occupied.
Well that was my spring break. I hope everyone had a great spring break, and aside from my little adventures my spring break was AWESOME. It was really good believe it or not, even if my glasses broke, my car melted, and i was without heat/ac for a few days, life goes on and I'm still kicking!


Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich said...


Check out this post:

Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich said...


Check out this post:

Joel said...

all i have to say is your car got....JACKED UP

ENBP said...

I could only imagine.....
but anyway... I'm just wondering if you reworded something wrong. Did you really mean that he said " technology in schools is not being used incorrectly, and a lot of teachers do not know what they are doing. "?
Technology isn't being used incorrectly in terms of what? It seemed as if your second clause claims that it is, in fact, being used incorrectly. Also, although I didn't look at the link that Anne has for you, I truly have to say that that's like taking 10 exceptions out of a million surveys and claiming that different types of technology are "necessary evils.." I'm not saying that to put your idea down, and I'm not trying to completely disagree with you in saying that teachers use technology to try to make less work for them. Actually, I did a reflection about an elementary teacher who was using a podcast that had children's stories that she was using in the classroom. Although it was beneficial for the student, it seemed as if she was also trying to get out of some of the hassles of working on the student's motivation to actually read. On that same note... those children were still learning! Are you telling me that a little spark of play time with technology never sparked your motivation? I mean... I do believe that a break from academics can sometimes help, even if the teacher is taking a break. Teachers just shouldn't let that privilege of using alternative technology methods as a means of taking a break from the lesson be used for over lengthy periods of time.

Joanna Yarbrough said...

Anne, that is an awesome article!

Ellyn, I believe that was a typo from Andrew using 2 negatives instead of just one.

Andrew, thats pretty cool that you met that guy. Maybe you can approach him now when you're looking for a job :-) And... how did your car melt? MELT?! What did you do to cause it to melt?

Anonymous said...

outrageous man..... how does that happen?